Surprise PT Visit
Ashleigh had a great surprise over the weekend when her old PT dropped by for a visit. Bernardo had been Ashleigh’s Physical Therapist for about four years before moving away for a different position with the VA hospital near Cleveland.
Bernardo became much more than a therapist to us. He is such a great person and really cares for Ashleigh. In addition, his family was mainly in New Mexico so at holidays he didn’t always have family around so he became a fixture at our house at holidays and birthdays whenever he stayed in town. The whole family enjoyed his company.
This might embarass Bernardo a little but I have to say all of the women in the family didn’t mind having him around at all. If you ask Ashleigh she will give her “woo-woo” eyebrows where she kind of raises them up and down. Some of my wife’s relatives from Florida met Bernardo when they were in town visiting and they still always ask if Bernardo is going to be around when they come for their next visit.
Bernardo hand delivered an invitation to his upcoming wedding in mid-June. Ashleigh really enjoyed the visit and is looking forward to attending the wedding. It is going to be a challenge because the wedding is about three hours north of us. We haven’t quite figured out the details yet but we will probably go early and find somewhere where Ashleigh can lay down a little for a while after the trip and before the wedding.
Knowing Ashleigh, I am sure she will want to dance with Bernardo at the wedding. That should work out fine as Bernardo is knowledgeable enough to help her from her wheelchair. I danced with Ashleigh at Celeste’s wedding but I was thinking she probably would have rather been dancing with someone else, like a boy her age. I was going to find someone else but we were worried what might happen if she got too tired and needed to sit back down quickly and the boy wasn’t familiar with what to do.

Below is an older picture of Ashleigh and Bernardo during therapy.