Teaching a New Dog New Tricks
March 17, 2008//
Here are some pictures of Ashleigh in her standing frame playing with her dog Sophie. In the first two pictures Ashleigh is getting Sophie to stand on her hind legs and dance. She spins around a couple of times for the treat. Very cute.
In the following pictures Ashleigh is getting ready to throw the ball for Sophie to fetch.
Hello. My name is Camille Starks and I have been actively looking for people who has either recovered from an TBI or a family who has had to experience their family member go through such a tough phase. I feel alot better reading about your daughter progress and it leaves my very optimistic about my moms road to recovery. I don’t know if this is at all possible but I would love to be in contact with one of you good people via email. I really need some guidence and just need a little sparkle of hope..My email is [email protected] please contact me, i would greatly appreciate it. Also I will be sure to keep Ashleigh in my prayers:-)
My prayers our with Ashliegh